An offering of art, post-election resources, and a live show

I set up this newsletter so I could share stuff that is important to me, whether that's my own art, or other people's words and perspectives that I find useful. In that spirit, a mix of both:
New Merch: Art Print Bundle
I am so excited to reveal this bundle of five 5×7 art prints based on my words, in collaboration with artists Natalie Hinahara ( and Destiny Davison ( These are some of my favorite lines I've written recently, and it was such a great experience working with these artists.
A perfect gift for both the emerging poets and activists in your life, the prints (produced by union printer Smart Set Inc. in Minneapolis) double as postcards: you can display them, but you can also use them to send your own poems to friends and family, to write to your reps, or to keep building community and making connections wherever you are. Each bundle comes with a sticker (also designed by Natalie Hinahara), plus a secret sixth print. Limited supply, so I wanted to make sure my newsletter subscribers saw it first:

Of course, speaking of holiday season gifts, I should probably mention that you can also get my abolitionist sci-fi poetry book, NOT A LOT OF REASONS TO SING, BUT ENOUGH, via Button Poetry too.
Post-Election Resources and How We Can Show Up in this Moment

I was going to share this link after the election no matter who won; I'll admit it feels even more urgent now. It's a collection of a bunch of my favorite resources on getting involved in activism and organizing, especially for those who are new to that.
I don't have any great wisdom or insight in this moment; I'm just thinking about people who might be hearing stuff like “we need to show up beyond election day!” and “it’s the all-the-time work that really matters!” but may not have a ton of experience with what that actually looks like, in practice. These links are all attempts to clarify, to zoom in, and to bring that process down to earth. Read it here.
Reminder: Catch the All Dressed Up, No Funeral Release Show on 11/30/24 in Minneapolis

While I wrote most of this album in late 2022 and early 2023, with a focus on the climate crisis, it should be obvious that the world has been dealing with a lot of crisis, in every sense of the word, since then. The album took on some new meaning during the genocide in Gaza, and now is taking on more new meaning after this last election.
My hope, as always, is that my work can be useful. A major theme of the album is how we navigate fear, cynicism, and hopelessness—not just deny it, or push it down, but navigate it. It's a deep dive into the process of cultivating hope through grief and collective action, and if that sounds useful in this moment, please check it out. Find links to the music (via spotify, apple music, bandcamp) as well as how to get tickets to our release show (Saturday, November 30 at the Hook & Ladder in MPLS) here.
Finally, check out these two new lyric videos animated by the one-and-only Medium Zach. Two favorite moments on the album, both featuring Lydia Liza (who will also be performing at our show):
Thanks for reading. As always, you can also find me on Instagram and Bluesky; and if you want to work together, bring me to your school/event/etc., find my booking info here.